Oral disease or Mukh Rog in ayurveda

In Ayurveda, oral diseases are classified under the branch of “Mukha Rog,” which means “diseases related to the oral cavity.” These diseases can affect the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, and other structures in the mouth. Here are some common oral diseases and their management in Ayurveda dermatology:

  1. Danta Roga (Tooth diseases):

Danta Roga refers to the diseases related to teeth. The common conditions include tooth decay, toothache, and gum disease. Ayurveda recommends using natural herbs like neem, clove, and salt for maintaining dental hygiene. For example, gargling with warm water mixed with salt and turmeric helps in reducing inflammation and controlling bacterial growth. Also, regular oil pulling with sesame oil helps in strengthening the gums and teeth.

  1. Mukha Sosha (Dry mouth):

Mukha Sosha refers to the dryness of the mouth. This can cause difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and eating. Ayurveda suggests using herbs like Triphala and Amla, which help in increasing the saliva production and keeping the mouth moist.

  1. Mukha Pakha (Oral Ulcers):

Mukha Pakha refers to the formation of oral ulcers. Ayurveda recommends using herbs like Yashtimadhu, Turmeric, and Manjistha for managing oral ulcers. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help in reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

  1. Jihva Vikara (Tongue disorders):

Jihva Vikara refers to the tongue disorders. Ayurveda suggests using herbs like Arjuna, Bilva, and Haritaki for managing tongue disorders. These herbs have a cooling effect and help in reducing inflammation.

  1. Krimi Roga (Oral infections):

Krimi Roga refers to the oral infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Ayurveda recommends using herbs like Tulsi, Triphala, and Guduchi for managing oral infections. These herbs have antimicrobial properties and help in controlling the growth of microorganisms.

In addition to the above-mentioned management options, Ayurveda also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. It is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized treatment plans for oral diseases.

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