Ayurvedic treatment for Udarda or Urticaria

In Ayurveda, Udarda is a condition of skin disorder or skin allergy. It is also known as Urticaria or Hives in modern medicine. Udarda is caused by the aggravation of Pitta and Vata doshas in the body.

Symptoms of Udarda include itching, redness, raised bumps on the skin, burning sensation, and swelling. Udarda can occur due to various reasons such as allergic reactions, exposure to extreme heat or cold, stress, certain medications, insect bites, or infections.

Ayurveda suggests a holistic approach to treat Udarda, which includes dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and Panchakarma therapy. The treatment aims to balance the Pitta and Vata doshas in the body and to remove the toxins from the system.

Some of the herbs used in the treatment of Udarda include Neem, Turmeric, Amla, Licorice, and Manjistha. These herbs have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and detoxifying properties that help to reduce the symptoms of Udarda and improve the overall health of the skin.

Panchakarma therapy, which involves various cleansing procedures, is also beneficial in the treatment of Udarda. The procedures help to remove the toxins from the body, balance the doshas, and promote overall health and well-being.

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