Solution of some Gastrointestinal tract disorder

Photo:Syrup Pepnic -(

A better drug (Ayurvedic formula) – Syrup.Pepnic has manufactured by Anirban pharmaceuticals (Ayu) for solution of Gastrointestinal tract disorder .GIT disorder are now common disease to see in prescription of General physician because at least IBS patient could be come to Doctor chamber for their disturbing symptoms such as Stool with mucus &colicky abdominal pain ,Borborygmi,tenesmus & so on.So This type of disease have an almost indigestion ,bloating & Lack of appetite ,loose motion etc.Actually ,Gastrointestinal disorder are follwing disorders – IBS,Malapsorption syndrome,Lack of appetite ,gastritis,loose motion,dyspepsia,indigestion which caused mainly by lack of digestive power .So ,Food particles can not be digested fulfully & interefare with absorption of vitamins & minerals that’s why these type of disorder are occuring to patient.However, We want to go back first para in this article because already mentioned pepnic syrup in top line.Pepnic syrup is the best drug for these types of disorders & can get easily result or reliefs symptoms of these disease & attain healthy body.Syrup Pepnic (mustakarishta) containing different types of ingredients such as Cyperus rotundus,Jaggery,Yamani,Dhataki,Ginger,Clove,Peeper,Fenegreak seeds,White cara way seeds,Chitrak these herbs are mixed in this pepnic syrup.which indicated in 1.Lack of appetite,2.Digestive problems can act as get rid of flatulence ,abdominal pain ,loose motion ,indigestion ,3.malapsorption syndrome which acts thus increasing the absorption of vitamins & minerals from the food .4.IBS- is common disease among all patients of general physician which prescribed pepnic & results rapidly & in case of chronic disease are also benefits for this medication because digestive power are increasing rapidly & quickly change to healthful living .This pepnic syrup side effects slightly gastritis are developed when it will be overdosing . Writer: Dr.Abdullah Bin Moksed (Microbiologist)- Founder & Chairman – Dermatocare Bangladesh

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