Pediculosis corporis (Vagabond’s disease)

Pediculosis corporis

Pediculosis corporis is a  skin conditions that’s the presence of body lice in the seams of clothing & their biting causes pruritus & excoriations.

Organism :There are three types of  lice that infest humans-
Pediculus humanus

-Body louse(Pediculus humanus  corporis)

-Head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis)

-Pubic louse (Pthirus pubis)

Epidemiology :

Personal hygiene

Mode of action :

Clothes or bleeding



Symptoms of pediculosis corporis :

-Increased itching(Pruritus)

-Red bumps

-due to Biting of lice occur allergic reaction ,appear as rash

-Thickened or darkened skin occasionally adjacent the waist or groin if the lice have stayed that region for a long time

Signs of Pediculosis corporis:

-Eggs or Nits on seams of clothes or attached to body hairs.

Management of Pediculosis corporis :
  • Body lice commonly live in clothing & bedding (occasionally found towels),applying Rx to the skin is less important ,yet we can use some drugs are following below

-Systemic antibiotics if superinfection developed

-Anti scabietics

-Permethrin 2.5%

-Gamma benzine


-3%acetic acid followed by combined

  • Real treatment is directed at destroying the eggs or nits & lice in clothing & lichen.this can be succeeded by laundering in hot water (at least 130 degree Fahrenheit’s ),ironing with a hot iron ,drying in hot dryer or dry cleaning.
  • In dealing with large number of infected peoples , insecticides sprays have been used to treat clothing .

* maintained personal hygiene

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